Two months without an update. Yes, my life is that boring, and so I have literally nothing to blog about anymore … NOT!

Just been really busy lately. All I want to do when I get home from work is eat and sleep. I used to blog at work but I do not have the opportunity to do so anymore. That damn workload piles up on my desk like dirty dishes in the sink. Also, I have been pre-occupied with swimming lessons twice a week. My weekends are always filled with plans, and most of the time, reserved for travelling to Edmonton to have a jolly good time. Might not sound like anything special to blog about but in actual fact my life has been quite dramatic. Let’s start with my crazy bitch neighbour, shall we?

I don’t think I spoke of her yet in this blog. Ever since I moved in to this condo townhouse with my roommate, this lady who lives below us, has been spying on our lives and intimidating us with her confrontations. Just when we thought we had escaped from the distrustful ex-landlord, this bitch shows up with really stupid noise complaints. It all started a month after we settled in to our new place …

One late night, someone rang our doorbell. I was sitting at the dining table, browsing away at the Internet while my roomie was doing yoga stretches in her room. I opened the door and this tall, haggard-looking man stood there and yelled, “What the hell is going on up there?” Seriously, I would have slammed the door in his face thinking that he was some criminal … but I didn’t because I realized he was the neighbour living below us. That was the first time I’ve met him, and it wasn’t pleasant because I felt he was rude. We explained to him what we were doing upstairs and told him it’s likely not us. He then asked us if we are shift workers with irregular working hours, and we said no but he tried to continue the conversation by informing us that he and his bitch can constantly hear our footsteps every day. My roommate quickly responded that we’ll try to keep it down. He lightened up a little and thanked us politely. We closed the door and both of us were puzzled with the encounter. The next morning, we called our landlord, Lyla, to inform her of the incident, and she was not surprised at all. In fact, she actually believed we were not the culprits and told us to get the neighbour to call them directly if it was still a problem.

Our second encounter was not a face-to-face one. It was quite amusing, actually, but very offensive. It was a Sunday, and I was volunteering at my company’s Family Christmas Party. My roommate stayed home the entire afternoon. I arrived home and as I parked my car, I noticed something strange at the mailbox outside our main door entrance. My initial thought was that they looked like presents from my roommate. But then I thought again, and it did not make sense why she would place presents there. Or why would she even give me presents? Anyhow, as I walked towards the door I saw that they were two pairs of house (indoor) slippers; one in red and the other in blue — brand new. I was furious. Who else would have put them there if not for that crazy bitch? Immediately, I went into the house and told my roommate to have a look at it. She, too, flared up. We called Lyla and Marty, and they came over to our place right away. They were very angry at the childish act the neighbour was displaying. Marty went to confront them about it, and after that the bitch removed the slippers from our mailbox. Lyla and Marty mentioned that we never ever need to tiptoe around the house for the neighbours or take a shower only when the bitch is not asleep. We have every right to live normally around the house. At this point, we felt so glad to have  a landlord who supports us in situations like that. Lyla used to live in the unit, and so she knows the devil in the neighbour. Lyla told us stories of how the bitch would complain about her husband, Marty, waking up early to take a shower or shave because she can hear the hot water cracking in the pipes. Whenever they see each other in the parking lot, that bitch would snicker and make snide remarks like “There goes the neighbourhood.”

Our third encounter with the bitch was during Christmas eve. My sister, Jackie, and my roommate’s boyfriend were staying at our place, and so there was probably more traffic in the house. I didn’t care. We were respectful enough to not blast music, stomp around or have loud parties late into the night. It was 2 AM, and we were all in bed but not asleep yet. Then, the doorbell rang. The bitch was standing there in her sleeping robe asking if everything was alright up there. Before she even finished her question, I told her straight in the face, “It’s not us.”

“Oh, so you can hear the noise too?”

“Yes, and we don’t know where it is coming from”

“How do you sleep through it? I know I can’t”, she replied sarcastically.

“We just deal with it that way. It’s not bothering us.”

She then apologized for waking us up and bid us good night. Sorry, my ass. Two weeks later returning home from vacation, we received a warning letter from the condo board regarding the noise complaints. Apparently, she had made a few phone calls to the condo board about the noise. The letter states that we were in violation of noise under the city and condo board’s by-laws, and that the complainant is encouraged to contact the R.C.M.P (police) if it continues to be a problem. We will also receive fines up to $200 or eviction if we do not comply. Being unfamiliar with the warning, we contacted Lyla again, and they assured us that it is fine and she will deal with it. The condo board is notorious for their warning tactics and that the R.C.M.P cannot do anything unless we were blasting loud music or having loud parties late in the night. Fuck that bitch, we weren’t even at home during those two weeks. How the hell were we stomping and causing her headaches?

We got by three months without any issues after that. Or so we think. I received a distressed phone call from my roommate one evening when I was out having dinner with friends, and she told me that the bitch confronted her aggressively in the parking lot. I was at a lost. I felt bad as I was not there to help my roomie. The bitch was clearly harrasing us, and I was so tempted to report to the police for that reason. Apparently, she interrogated my roommate:

“Who is that guy you were talking to the other day in the parking lot. He had blonde hair.”

“Is he your boyfriend?”

“What is he doing here?”

“Is he living with you?”

“How long has he been living with you?”

Who the hell does she think she is? Our mother? She has no right to question us, and I told my roommate she shouldn’t even have answered that bitch to justify anything. That’s invasion of privacy! It was outrageous because she did not even believe what my roommate had to say. According to my roomate, it got heated up as she tried to defend herself, to the point where the bitch reversed the argument and claimed that all the noises she heard were not true and that she was telling lies instead. My roommate got furious and firmly asked her to step inside the house and see with her own eyes if there was a guy living in our unit. The bitch looked surprised, and backed away a little but my roommate grabbed her hand, pulled her back and said, “Where are you going. I’m not finished with this conversation.” I think at that point, the bitch probably was shocked. She probably realized that her intimidation is not going to work anymore. Eventually, the argument came to an end. Not too bitterly though, as she finally asked if we could help her pinpoint where it was coming from. After that, my roommate asked her if she had been receiving these prank doorbell rings and knocks in the night time lately as we saw once some teenagers who pulled that trick on us. The answer that came from her foul mouth was:

“Oh, it was me all this time. I’ve been doing that because I was trying to figure out where the noise came from. If I stop hearing the noise in my house after I did that, then the noise is coming from you girls.”

Fucking bitch! When I heard that part of the story, I wanted to call the police so bad. Anyhow, Lyla was informed of the incident again. I don’t know how Lyla and Marty dealt with them as they were out of town when this happened but two weeks later we received a second warning letter from the condo board. This was stressful enough that it affected my work performance. I couldn’t sleep, kept dreaming that I needed to move out and I had to take a day off to sleep in because I was too dizzy to drive in the morning. Then, I decided to draft a letter and pass it to Lyla so that she can forward it to the condo board:

Re: Noise Complaint – Second Letter

Dear xxx,

The following are our concerns:

  • This is a multi-family complex where noise from daily life activities can be heard, day and night:
    • Has the Board of Directors investigated the noise violation from the other units (i.e. 36B, 36D, 36E)?
    • If yes, what proof, other than a verbal/written complaint, did the complainant have of the noise in which he/she claimed it was from our unit (36C)?
      • Type of noise, date/time of occurrence, proof of source?
      • Did the Board verify the information received from the complainant?

If the Board cannot answer to us all the above questions, we suggest that the Board take more responsibility and investigate the issue before pointing any fingers.

We are respectful tenants, who take good care of the property, pay rent on time, do not party, do not play loud music/TV late in the night, and so these warning letters of noise violation are  unfound accusations.

The complainant from 36A has resorted to spying on our daily lives, such as listening to when we take showers and walk around the house. We have personally dealt with him/her, and as we stood together at the doorstep the noise was clearly originating from a different unit. Even so, the complainant continued to aggressively confront us on our personal lifestyle, which is an invasion of privacy. In the past 3 months, there has been doorbell rings and loud knocking in the night time with no one at the door. On 14 May 2009, the complainant had confessed to my roommate that she had been performing these prank acts to investigate the source of the noise. This is causing us stress, affecting our work performance and daily lives!

If we continue to receive further complaints with no reasonable proof, and the Board decides to charge us with fines or eviction, we will deem this as discriminatory and will not hesitate to take further legal action.

Thank you.

Resident of 36C

Cc. Owner of Unit 36C

Bloody bitch. It’s not our fault if she can hear us walking all the time. The thing is, we can hear the loud walking all the time too, and so it’s not coming from us!! Blame the condo board or developer for poor construction of the complex. It’s not our problem. If the bitch doesn’t want to hear any noises and wants to live a peaceful live … move out to an acreage! Fucking bitch, you don’t own the entire complex. Lyla and Marty told us to just ignore her the next time because it will be a waste of our breath and energy to argue with her. The important thing is we don’t have to defend ourselves to that low life. However, if she tries to pick a fight with me, she will kiss my sorry ass and cower in fear for I will show my wrath. Bitch, you’re dead if you pick a fight with me.

4 thoughts on “Crazy Bitches

  1. hahaha. go get her girl. seriously. that kind of bitch should not share the oxygen we all breath in. You should ask her if her childhood was neglected.

  2. I know what’s that mean .I use to have bitch naighbour like this when I use to live in appartmen but than I move to my own house so now my new bitch naighbor is bitching about the property line . Why dose bitches just don’t die .

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